The Hindu Vocabulary
1. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): anxious
Synonyms: worried, concerned
Antonyms: unworried
Example Sentence:
He nodded, obviously perturbed about something.
2. ENORMOUSLY (ADVERB): (अत्यंत): very
Synonyms: extremely, exceedingly
Antonyms: moderately
Example Sentence:
Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another.
3. ACCOUNTABILITY (NOUN): (जवाबदेही): responsibility
Synonyms: liability, answerability
Antonyms: unaccountability
Example Sentence:
Lack of accountability damaged public respect for business and political leaders.
4. IMMORAL (ADJECTIVE): (अनैतिक): unethical
Synonyms: bad, wrongful
Antonyms: moral
Example Sentence:
Her behaviour was seemingly immoral.
5. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्यता देना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:
Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.
6. FACTION (NOUN): (विरोध): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:
Gradually, the army faction had increased.
7. LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn
Synonyms: sorrow, wail
Antonyms: celebrate
Example Sentence:
He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.
8. PLUNGE (NOUN): (गिरावट): fall
Synonyms: drop, tumble
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:
The central bank declared a 76% plunge in its profits.
9. DIVINE (ADJECTIVE): (मनोरम): lovely
Synonyms: handsome, beautiful
Antonyms: mundane
Example Sentence:
Her face had the most divine smile.
10. OPTIMISM (NOUN): (आशावाद): hope
Synonyms: confidence, buoyancy
Antonyms: pessimism
Example Sentence:
The talks had been amicable and there were grounds for optimism.